Average Adult Fish Size: Males can reach a length of 10 inches / 25 cm. A couple will form naturally. The average Jaguar Cichlid size is around 14-16 inches in length when in captivity. They prefer very fine gravel or sand substrate for … Contributed by Frankie Davie. T°: 24 to 28°C or 75 to 82°FpH: 7 to 8Hardness: 8 to 20°dGH. The Nicaragua Cichlid is peaceful with other species of the same size. The Nicaragua cichlid is an elongated, oval-shaped and laterally compressed fish. Nicaragua Cichlid Nicaragua Cichlid. Macaw Cichlid, Nicaragua Cichlid, Nic, Moga Age of Aquariums > Freshwater Fish > American Cichlids > Macaw Cichlid (Nic) - Hypsophrys nicaraguensis. Eggs are laid in a large pit in the substrate, usually dug under a rock or in a cave. Ominvore; Will accept a variety of foods including flakes and pellets. Which aquarium for the Nicaragua Cichlid? To be sure to have a breeding pair, you will have to maintain between 5 and 6 young fish. Jaguar Cichlid Size. These fish are Central American Cichlids, native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica where they tend to inhabit slow-flowing waters such as lakes and rivers. Fish Popular Name: Nicaragua Cichlid. Both … Min Tank size: 500 Ltr. Cichlids are notorious for getting very large, and this species is no exception. Min. Alternative species (click on the thumbnail to see the card), Scientific nameHypsophrys nicaraguensisHypsophrys unimaculatusCichlasoma nicaraguenseCopora nicaraguenseHeros balteatusHeros nicaraguensisHerichthys nicaraguensis, Common nameNicaragua CichlidNicaraguenseMogaNickieParrot cichlidMacaw cichlidButterfly cichlidVieja, Origin: Central America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica)Biotope: American. If you want to keep any other cichlids in the tank, you will probably need one at least 6 feet in length. Origin: Nicaragua: Diet: Omnivore: Gender Differences: Dimorphic: Breeding: Substrate Spawner: Temperament: Mildly Aggressive: Conspecific Temperament: Aggressive: Maximum Size: 10" Temperature: 76 - 80°F: pH: 7.4 - 8.4: Water Hardness: Hard: Difficulty: 2 Jaguar Cichlid Size. It’s a 125 gallon tank so there’s plenty of space for the as for there all small at the moment. This omnivorous fish is not difficult to please. FektoN says: My primary sources are Ad Konings' "Cichlids From Central America", discourse with JuanMi, and the limited experience I've had with some of these cichlids. Like all the fish having this mode of reproduction, it is up to them to choose their partner. Nicaragua Cichlid (Hypsophrys nicaraguensis) From The Aquarium Wiki. age ca. Any plants must therefore be tough and very well-rooted, or of the various species that can be attached to decor, such as java fern and Anubiassp. Asososca Managua is geologically the youngest crater lake in Nicaragua known to house Midas cichlids (max. The aquarium must be spacious: count at least 300 L / 66 Imp gal / 79 US gal for two or three adults in a specific aquarium, and 800 L / 176 Imp gal / 211 US gal in the case of a Central American Cichlidae group aquarium (see more depending on the population envisaged). Once the eggs are laid, the female stands guard. They are quite shy for their size and are the most beautiful fish I've ever seen. Also called the Macaw, Parrot or Butterfly Cichlid, Nicaraguan Cichlids are a popular species among Cichlid keepers. What kind of behavior does the Nicaragua Cichlid have? A hardy, but aggressive cichlid. Normally, females are a few inches shorter than males. Difficulty. Freshwater pH. Nicaragua Cichlid - Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis . These should be arranged in such a way as to form caves and hiding places. Click here to see several more pictures. Minimum Tank Size: 50 gal (189 L) Substrate Type: Sand It almost never leaves its territory, which it can defend on certain occasions (during the reproduction period for example) but overall it is a peaceful and calm species. Be careful to secure your arrangement to avoid rockslides. Macaw Nicaraguense Cichlids are omnivores and will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including Brine Shrimp, Mysis Shrimp, Bloodworms, flake food and Cichlid pellets. The red devil moniker is shared with another related fish, Amphilophus citrinellus , though today we are discussing Amphilophus labiatus . Nicaragua Cichlids like to be kept in groups, so they need a large tank with a lot of hiding places made out of wood or rock. The Nicaragua cichlid needs a fairly big aquarium to do well since males can reach a length of 10 inches (25 centimetres). In aquariums, it easily accepts all types of food offered to it. The ideal maintenance is done in harem, i.e. They prefer very fine gravel or sand substrate for digging, and can be housed with hardy plants. Some of these such as the convict cichlid are quite common in the hobby and will be known to many of you, while others are … Comments: These are awesome fish with great coloring. Parachromis dovii, the guapote, rainbow bass, or wolf cichlid, is a species of cichlid native to Central America where it occurs on both slopes of Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.This species grows to a length of 72 cm (28.3 in) TL.This carnivorous species is important to local commercial fisheries and is sought after as a gamefish. Place of Origin: The Nicaragua cichlid is native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica in Central America. The Nicaragua Cichlid is a pit spawner and digs extensively so aquarium decorations should be firmly grounded. Average Jaguar Cichlid size is approximately 14-16 inches in length when in captivity. Thus, you can associate him other calm Central American species in large aquariums of at least 800 L / 176 Imp gal / 211 US gal (each species must be able to form a satisfactory territory). Females normally stay under 8 inches / 20 cm. But now they live in aquariums all over the world. The Nicaragua Cichlid is peaceful with other species of the same size. Finally, a small nuchal hump may appear on the head of dominant males. FektoN says: I believe the subject was supposed to be "Interaction of Lake Nicaraguan Cichlids", but it's now more like: "a Brief Introduction to the Cichlids of Lake Nicaragua". Egg laying can include between 300 and 400 eggs. Also be careful with small fish as the risk of predation is quite high. I recently added an albino Oscar and A Bichir, and now out of no where the Nicaragua is SUPER aggressive. This fish is not too demanding as for its decoration. Common names include Mayan cichlid(English), Mexican mojarra (English), orange tiger (English), castarrica (Spanish), and schwanzfleckbuntbarsch (German). Cichlids are usually famous for being very large, and this species is no exception. Sometimes, other females also watch the brood. Males grow to a total length of 35 centimetres (14 in) and females to 30 centimetres (12 in). Do not combine it with any super aggressive species. Max size: 25 cm. Native to Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua in Central America, the Red Devil Cichlid, scientific name Amphilophus labiatus, is a large fish that reaches 15 inches (over 38 cm) when it is full-grown. The rivers and lakes of Nicaragua, with the wonderful underwater world of the Nicaraguan crater lakes, where sympatric evolution is leading their cichlid fauna in unsuspecting ways. Comments: These are awesome fish with great coloring. Tank Size . The Nicaraguense Cichlid (Herichthys nicaraguense) correctly identified as Hypsophrys nicaraguensis, is endemic to the Atlantic slope of Central America from the San Juan drainage, including Lake Nicaragua (in Costa Rica and Nicaragua), to the Matina River drainage in Costa Rica.. Breeding can be difficult, as it is sometimes hard to find a compatible pair. Common Name(s): 'Nic', Macaw Cichlid: Geo. pH Range: 7.0-8.0 Scientific Name: Hypsophrys nicaraguensis Common Name: Nicaraguan Cichlid Max Size: 6" pH: 6.0-8.0 Hardness: Hard Temperature: 70-82° Aggressiveness: Semi-Aggressive Region of … 208 Litres (55 US G.) Size. After hatching, the tiny fry are kept grouped together and it is not uncommon to see the parents taking a few stray young in their mouths to put them back with the group. Never combine 2 males in the same aquarium. The Nicaragua Cichlid is known from the San Juan drainage (including Lake Nicaragua) in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and south-eastwards to the Matina River drainage in Costa Rica. Thus, you can associate him other calm Central American species in large aquariums of at least 800 L / 176 Imp gal / 211 US gal (each species must be able to form a satisfactory territory). He is one of the most sociable among the family of the great Cichlasomas. Origin - Central America, - Lake Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Max size - 9" in captivity Care - This very colourful species is usually fine with similar sized New World cichlids and medium to large sized community fish. Adult Length: 25cm. The head is rounded and the mouth is small. In order to keep natural colors, we advise you not to mix fish of different varieties to avoid their hybridization. Surprising fact: it is the only laying species on Central American substrate whose eggs are non-adhesive. This is mild tempered Cichlid that begins to color-up when about 4" long. Jump to: navigation, search. Females are smaller and more colorful than males. Eggs hatch in 3 days and are closely guarded and reared by both parents. Nicaragua Cichlid, Nicaraguense, Spilotum "Cichlasoma" (Theraps) nicaraguensis SYN: Cichlasoma balteatum, C. nicaraguense, C. spilotum, Heros nicaraguensis PD: An elongated, oval-shaped, laterally compressed cichlid. This is the only SA/CA cichlid that does not have adhesive eggs. 23 -26 °C (73.4-78.8°F) Water Hardness. A sand or fine gravel substrate is best as the fish do dig, especially when spawning. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version). Nicaragua cichlids are fairly easy to care for, but with their large size and occasional territorial nature they may not make such a great choice for the beginner. 7.0 - 8.0 Temp. Common name - Nicaragua Cichlid or Spilotum Scientific name - Hypsophrys nicaraguensis Family - Cichlidae. Position in Aqua: No special swimming level. This will avoid accidents especially since this fish likes to dig into the ground. 1245 years; Pardo et al. The species is a carnivorous, highly predatory fish. Relatively peaceful for a Central American cichlid of this size, but is still territorial and obviously grows quite large. As stated in the breeding section, this fish lays their eggs in a pit or deep crevice of a rock. Both males and … But now they live in aquariums all over the world. Scientific name: Hypsophrys nicaraguensis 1 male for at least 2 females. Origin: The ancestors of the Sunset lived in Nicaragua and Costa Rica in Central America. On the other hand, it coexists rather badly with fishes that have too much character, with which it can be quite aggressive. Above: In this picture a young Premium Quality Sunset Nicaragua Cichlid is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . Its appearance may vary according to its geographical origin. Nicaragua Cichlids like to be kept in groups, so they need a large tank with a lot of hiding places made out of wood or rock. A great alternative to more aggressive large new world cichlids, popular because of their stunning colours and nice disposition. The Nicaragua Cichlid digs the ground and tends to modify its scenery. Maximum Size: All Rights Reserved. In their classic form, the young male has a multitude of points on the fins that the female does not have. Provide plenty of cover in the form of rocks and other decor, such as bogwood or large flowerpots. The Cichlids of Lake Nicaragua - Part I Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua, Central America contains a very diverse cichlid population. Their diet consists mainly of small fish and macroinvertebrates. Add solid plants because the Nicaraguan likes the hiding places they offer. Do not create too much current in the aquarium because this species likes slow currents. Nicaragua Cichlid – Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis. Typically, females are a couple of inches shorter than males. Tank Size: 400 gallons. Nicaraguense Cichlid (Hypsophrys nicaraguensis) for Sale: Size, Tank, Care, Types, Breeding photo credit Imperical Tropicals The Nicaraguan Cichlid is a very nice Central American cichlid and an amazing fact is that the female shows the brilliant color when they reach adulthood. Click on the picture to see a bigger picture. Copyright © 2011 Scarlet Macaw Petshop. They prefer turbid, eutrophic lakes, often found in warm water depleted of oxygen. Plants can be included, but be sure they are hardy and well rooted. Fish Scientific Name: Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis. Click here to see several more pictures. For good health, vary your meals as much as possible, both in form and content. Nicaraguan Cichlid. 2008), yet the exact timing of colonization and the size of its founder population and its current size had not been inferred before. The Nicaragua was the 3rd fish added in the tank after a Red Severum and a Synodontis. Approximate Purchase Size: 3 … Nicaragua Cichlid Pictures: a 5" long mature female in one of our aquariums. Nicaragua Cichlid (hypsophrys Nicaraguensis) Photos. Other possible tankmates can include larger barbs and characins, catfish and Loricariids. Temperature Range 23 to 28°C. Maximum Size: In Nicaragua Cichlids have become quite a staple in the aquarium hobby over the years. The Nicargua Cichlid can be a peaceful cichlid but can also be territoral and can grow to a substantial size. The fish you will receive are approximately 5-7cm. The Nicaragua Cichlid will occasionally eat soft leaved plants during spawning, so keep an eye on them during this time. Country: Australia. 16-17 cm (6.3-6.7") sg. Origin: The ancestors of the Sunset came from Nicaragua and Costa Rico in Central America. Females normally stay under 8 inches (20 centimetres). Community with caution. It is a fish which lays on discovered substrate, i.e. In the wild, it feeds on insects, plants, larvae and various detritus. Diet should be supplemented with live, fresh or frozen foods. At the very least, this fish must live in couple. it will deposit its eggs directly on the ground, in a bowl which it will have dug. Fishroom talk taking place on 1996-Mar-12. The reproduction of Nicaragua Cichlid is quite easy. Hypsophrys nicaraguensis. To do this, first install the elements of the decor (you can even glue them together), then add fine sand for the floor afterwards. Cichlids / Central America / Cichlasoma / Nicaraguense Profile: Nicaragua Cichlid, Nicaraguense, Spilotum "Cichlasoma" (Theraps) nicaraguensis Synonyms: Cichlasoma balteatum, C. nicaraguense, C. spilotum, Heros nicaraguensis Physical description: An elongated, oval-shaped, laterally compressed cichlid.The head is rounded and the mouth is small. The spawning is regular when the couple is installed: up to once a month. Here it inhabits lakes and rivers with slow to moderate current. Position in Aqua: No special swimming level Description. They make a wonderful species tank in a large group. This tank picture looks better than 51.62% of tank pictures in this category. Best kept as a mated pair. Install rocks and roots. Moderate. Above: In this picture a young Premium Quality Sunset Nicaragua Cichlid is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . The aquarium hobby over the world Scientific name - Hypsophrys nicaraguensis Family -.! On discovered substrate, usually dug under a rock or in a cave ancestors... Turbid, eutrophic lakes, often found in warm water depleted of oxygen popular because of their stunning and! Maintenance is done in harem, i.e adhesive eggs become quite a staple in the wild, it easily all! Female does not have adhesive eggs breeding section, this fish is not too demanding as there. 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