Swain is the visionary ruler of the Noxian empire, commanding its warhosts from the front lines. All of these updates, along with the rest of Swain’s rework, are scheduled to go live in Patch 8.3. Some pretty good ideas tho. Yes, his voice over is charming and expertly delivered, he looks much better, and … Swain received a rework in 6.8, but people didn't start playing him until his buffs in 6.10. Riot’s Tooltip: What it does: Vision of Empire has a very large range. This NEW Mini-Rework will bring Swain to be 100 PERMABANNED League of Legends Swain Gameplay. His weaknesses (garbage waveclear, high manacost, very easy to dodge skillshoots, highs CD in laning phase and poor damage if not combo properly) are easily exploited by high level players, and his "Strong points" doesn't fell strong at all; your main source of damage has a very short range but you have the armor, mr an movility of a long range caster; so you have to invest in resistances to being able to deal damage but then you find out that now you are behind the enemy in the AP race, so your "higher" damage is completely nullified by the fact that you have to build defensively. it is every suggestion I see on this forum that looks more like nerf's. MINI-REWORK SWAIN HAS A GLOBAL AOE SPELL NOW (NEW GOD-TIER MAGE) - League of Legends. Old Swain struggled in team fights and needed to pop a Zhonya’s Hourglass if he wanted to make it out alive. His ultimate now heals a flat amount, regardless of how much damage he deals. For every target Swain hits with Vision of Empire, he gains a Soul Fragment. Like using Q no longer interrupts Swain's movement while in R. Think that just makes him even more reliant on his 120 sec cd ult. DID RIOT SERIOUSLY OVERBUFF NEW SWAIN? That was over two years ago now, and while he was a mainstay in the meta for six months, he quickly faded into obscurity. Swain’s rework has been finally been fully revealed after being teased earlier. Statistics include Swain's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Before you do a complete review after new Swain goes live, I really want to hear your quick thoughts on his post-rework skins. Top 5 at least, karthus, Shen and Galio may be lower. while increasing the power of Swain in the early/midgame if played properly, these are the proposed changes to achieve it, New: Innate - Vision: obtaining a soul fragment grants Swain with a stack of Vision that last for 8 seconds and can stack up to 5 times; obtaining a new stack refreshes the duration; Every stack of Vision grants Swain 1/2 movement speed (at levels 1/6) and reduces the coldown of Death's hand (Q) by 10% (stacking multiplicatively with normal cdr); enemies can see the amount of stacks Swain's have below his health bar, similar to the old 5 soul fragment resource bar, Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 Mana >>> 70/75/80/85/90 mana, Bonus Damage per bolt: 15/20/25/30/35% >>> 10/15/20/25/30%, New Effect: Bolts that kill an enemy minion will deal 40% bonus damage to subsequent enemy minions, New Effect: hitting at least one enemy champion with Death's hand restores 10 mana, New Effect: hitting an enemy champion with 3/4/5 bolts grants Swain 1/2/3 stacks of vision, New Effect: hitting an enemy champion with all five bolts deal bonus true damage equal to 10 + the amount of soul fragments collected through all the game and heals Swain for the same amount, the healing is increased by 50% when Swain is blow 40% health, Healing per second from champions: 20/35/50(+ 16% AP) >>> 10/17,5/25(+8%ap), New effect: ripping a Soul fragment with W or passive now mark the target for 3 seconds, hitting a champion with a crit of death hand will mark him for one second; healing against marked champions is tripled for 30/52.5/75(24%ap) healing per second, New Effect: while in Demonic Ascension, Q (death's hand) crits with only 3 bolts, New Effect: Now Swain gains 5/10/15 + 3/4/5 per stack of vision armor and MR, the movement speed bonus from Vision get increased by 50%, if Demonflare kills at least one enemy champion this effect persist for 3 seconds more. Now that his rework has "gone live" I have been diligently working to come up with a new build for the sexy rework. as i state in the post, right now Swain healing from R1 is even stronger than the old ravenous flock ulti; do you want numbers? Swain mains have known this rework was on the way, but the League of Legends studio has finally released the teaser video for what's to come! Let’s take a look at The Noxian Grand General below. hi, i´ve seen a couple of fanmade mini reworks for Swain posted on this subreddit and i wanted to do my own version. NO ME HAGO CARGO DE QUE LO QUE DIGO ACA DESPUES NO ESTE O O CAMBIEN, cualquier cosa lo voy a decir cuando pruebe el rework And according to Riot Scruffy, these new changes will help him in both solos and support “ equally.” Shen Buff Patch 10.15 Passive Shield: 50-101 >>> 70-121 Death’s Hand (Q) cooldown has been reduced from 4 to 3; bolt angle changed from 10 to 8 degrees. because Swain´s ultimate used to be needlessly gated behind the soul fragments, and Swain can´t walk into lane to gain soul fragments without getting exploded (because he has no ult to protect him) he used to need a way to get soul fragments from a safe distance, and that´s why W have 3500 units range, and because a 300 +70% damage ability that also slow by 65% and heal Swain for 7% of his max hp per champion hitted with a 3500 range is too op, they make it impossible to hit; but now W is a useless spell against any champion that can move, leaving Swain with only one reliable spell and not Enough resources to defend himself on a fight; is not like Swain didn´t have other problems (lack of waveclear, R not healing enought before the minirework, high manacosts, and the fact that right now every conqueror user outsustain him on a fight) but this is for me the biggest flaw on Swain desing. he is so dominating because he is hard to kill by the mere act of existing, his damage is so high and reliable, and his weak early game isn't punish while also having a great impact on the outcome of the game via teamfighting, so all that said, here is my mini rework, my goals are reducing his low ELO dominance, by reducing his garanteed tankiness and damage; and making that his weak early game doens't depend so hard in being punished by the enemy laner but instead in not messing up the execution. Right now it feels like they keep digging new Swain in a bigger and bigger hole with each passing patch lol. Swain’s vision for the future of Noxus is one of strength through unity. Ruined King is a bit vague. and why is that W have such a big delay? Ravenous flock healing was 20/30/40(+12%) ap; while Demonic Ascension is 20/35/50(+16%ap), the only benefit of Ravenous flock is that it's healing vs non-champion was stronger, but Demonic ascencion overcompensate with not being capped at 5 targets only, and by the fact that gives on cast bonus max hp.also, my proposed change enable Swain to empower his healing to 30/52.5/75(24%ap). Unlike Warwick, Galio, and … Press J to jump to the feed. While the Q crit mechanic looks good, I think it's unreliable against ranged champions. Swain’s line when collecting Shadow Isles Champions: “A king remains in the mist and another marches…” This is a line directed at the Ruined King. As was teased last week, League of Legends’ resident master tactician is getting a rework, and today they’ve revealed exactly what Swain’s new form will be capable of. Ah yes, Green Swain. Don’t worry, he is still very much a bird man and he is still very grumpy looking. Archived. Vision of Empire is a weird ability an… I'm probably being selfish, but I don't care about numbers to justify it anymore- I want a revert so badly. Let me be clear, Swain is not a weak champion, his numbers aren't weak, his healing is not weak;contrary to popular belief, since 9.14 Demonic Ascension healing is stronger than the old Ravenous Flock ultimate, while also providing on cast bonux max hp; Vision of empire has an exelent base damage and a great ap scaling for an ability that also had a 2.5 seconds slow that can reach values of 65% while also giving %max health healing; and a Death hand is one of the mage abilites with the higher DPS of the game with a potential to do 324 + 96% ap damage every 2.4 seconds (yeah, is outshined in terms of raw damage by a few and way safer battlemages like cassiopea and ryze, but no one of them provides the same amount of tankyness and utility in a TF), the problem is, that the higher you climb in the ladder, the more frustrating and unrewarding to play he becomes. well, because is an ability that do to many things. so all that said, here is my mini rework, my goals are reducing his low ELO dominance, by reducing his garanteed tankiness and damage; and making that his weak early game doens't depend so hard in being punished by the enemy laner but instead in not messing up the execution. that is why he is played like a suport, because having a partner in lane compensate for his weakness early, so he turns into a decent early game champion with a good midgame, so he doesn't feel unrewarding, but there is the other side of the coin, Swain's dominance in low ELO, where the enemy player doesn't know how to punish Swain's weak early gam;, where the games are longer and chaotic causing him to obtain high numbers of stacks in his passive; where players doesn't know how to fight him, they don't kite, don't dodge his skill shoots and let him be on top of the people, they don´t buy grevious wounds; so at the press of a button he becomes in an unkillable raidboss with a high damage, spameable and reliable damaging spell, healing, a pull, a 1.5 aoe root, tons of AOE damage, and a strong AOE slow; he exels at teamfighting, and in the lower ELOs, they teamfight a lot; so the value he brings to the team inflates a lot; and with longer games comes longer respawn times, so a lategame teamfight is what often decides the outcome of a game, and guess what; Swain is a teamfight god, causing him to have a great agency in the result of the match. I would play him non stop and love every minute of it. 25:44 (NEW REWORK) SWAIN SUPPORT IS NOW 100 GODLY MASSIVE BUFFS AND GLOBAL POKE? Swain was given a rework in the run into Season 8. 1000 Stacks Swain/15000 HP - New Swain … Swain is in a weird spot right now. But we think the champion in the Shadow Isles likely to appear in LOL is Ledros. Just either revert the rework or actually listen to people when they tell you changes like -10 ms are not the fucking way to go about handling this post-rework Swain. 22:06. You're overbuffing here. I'm not talking about how bad his laning phase is, because there are plenty of bad early game champions with no lane priority that works in high ELO because they demolish once the laning phase is over if they manage to survive it, that is not Swain's case, yeah, his teamfigthing is strong, but the power that he bring doens't compensate for his poor early levels, he has a mediocre laning phase followed by a decent midgame, while picks like ryze or vladimir have to suffer a comparable bad early game but they turn into monsters the second they reach their 2 items powerspike .the problem with swain is not that he is weak, the problem is that the higher you climb, the harder you have to work to obtain the same results than other safer an easier to execute picks. the idea was simple, if swain managed to poke the enemy, an then start the fight with his combo he would have the upper hand, but if he was the one being engaged on, he will be forced to disengage an retreat; he would had to use W to zone and Slow the enemy melee champion to safely disengage, and if the things go well, he even could re-engage and heal with an E-P combo after disengaging with W. and there is the biggest flaw on the original kit: W sucks as an defensive tool, is not bad, is terrible, any enemy can walk over it without ever getting hit by it; W should be Swain´s way to defend himself when an enemy jump on him but W if useless against enemies that aren´t CCed. If you are already familiar with how to play Swain this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 11.1. the huge amount of counterplay the original kit had is a testament that Swain was designed for the toplane. 'Noxus has … Swain Mini Rework 2.0. hi, i´ve seen a couple of fanmade mini reworks for Swain posted on this subreddit and i wanted to do my own version. This makes him even more reliant on hitting two impossible skillshots though. YENİ SWAIN OYNANIŞ [MİNİ REWORK] SONSUZ TAYF TOPLAYABİLİYOR! Posted by. For now, you can test them all out on the Public Beta Environment. he is being played mainly as a support, while having less than a 1% pickrate in mid, his historically main role. But now in the upcoming patch 10.15, Swain is getting a mini-rework where they will be buffing his every ability besides his ultimate. This New Swain is a Crap, accept this, give me Old Swain. Healing per second from champions: 20/35/50(+ 16% AP) >>> 10/17,5/25(+8%ap) .... you want to change the heal and drain damage that is already horribly low ... WTF, Heal and drain of the old swain, much bigger than this current garbage ... just look at the old numbers. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When Riot announced Swain’s total champion rework in July, players were immediately excited to hear more about the project. also Q was in a short CD because in practice, Swain have the playstyle of an AP Bruiser, so he needs a way to deal consistent damage; and that´s something that the 9.14 rework fail to understand, as the things are right now, Swain lacks the damage to function as the way he was intended, they straight up removed 40% of his DPS capability without any compensation to his damage, The bigger problem on the original VGU and what made it so frustrating (in addition to the fact that swain lost his identity as a DOTs mage and Beatrice) was the soul fragments mechanic which negatively affected the design of his W and R. let me explain, because Swain was basically a melee champion without any of the melee champions weaknesses, because he was also ranged, they had to add him a weakness, to give players a reason to pick a traditional melee lanner over him; and that's why Nevermove is useless at melee range; if a melee champion jumps on Swain, even though they are both designed for close extended combat, the melee champion would win because he has more stats to begin with. With his mini-rework in the tank update, Maokai 's unique warden-like ult got replaced by a standard tank engage that is similar to many other ultimates. I think the original VGU's design idea was on the right track, the original kit was better designed than most people think, and was clearly aimed with the idea of Swain being a toplanner, but it had some critical flaws that made it a frustrating experience to play, and that's flaws were agraviated by the 9.14 mini rework. Swain mini-rework Movement Speed has been decreased from 335 to 325 Ravenous Flock (P) cooldown has been changed from 6 to 10. His W should be unchanged and his Q basically already Crits if you hit all 5 bolts so adding even more damage is too much. so my idea with this mini-rework is to remove it; giving back to Swain the power that he need on his Q in order to function, while also giving him the defensive tool that he lacks in the form of an ability that work similar to old Decrepify, This makes swain far too powerful IMO, he needs some sort of drawbacks for all of the damage and utility you’re adding in. Innate - Ravenous: Swain can periodically target a nearby immobilized enemy champion to rip out a Soul Fragment from them, dealing them 20 − 105 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) magic damage and pulling them 290-units towards him over a 0.25-second cast time.If the target would be brought past Swain, they are instead knocked back the excess distance.. Enemy champions also leave behind a … Pretty sure that's the longest in the entire game at 18. but is not like Swain is a bad solo lanner, right now he has a 53% winrate as a midlanner in the lower ELOs, and that is one of the reasons riot refuses to buff him; and you can still play him and win with him in platinum and diamond. ACTIVE: Swain summons a demonic eye at the target location, Sight icon revealing it for 2 seconds, which explodes after 1.5 seconds, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit, halved against Minion icon minions, and Slow icon slowing them for 2.5 seconds. From what I’ve seen in the pre-release teasers, all of them REALLY hit the concept and are very well done. If they reverted Swain, I would be so happy I wouldn't care. Take a look at his new kit below. Ledros is the king’s champion. Close. Rod of Ages fixes Swain’s mana problems. R shouldn't grant movespeed, you already got three ccs, including two hard, and Swain's lack of mobility is here to balance that. Voyboy . Swain pre-rework used to be « in charge » of a fight by using his ability to control/zone/damage enemies Now he has barely enough damage to stay on a solo lane, and is relatively good as support regarding your handling of the champ, And if you don't think it is meant to engage: the root duration scales from 0.6 s to 2.4 s. That means it is meant to be cast from long range. We jumped onto the Rift to make sure you know how to dominate your pubs with him. 7 months ago. Swain casts a small area, granting him vision. A short time later, this area explodes, slowing any targets hit and dealing damage. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Swain when played Support. A place for discussion about League of Legends and the Noxian Grand General, Jericho Swain. Now, regardless of how much damage he deals, Swain can stay alive. We've reached a point where Swain is more played on reddit itself than in game. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He embraces any who will pledge themselves to the empire—even the Black Rose, though he knows, in secret, they still plot against him. A place for discussion about League of Legends and the Noxian Grand General, Jericho Swain. *MINI-REWORK* SWAIN HAS A GLOBAL AOE SPELL NOW (NEW GOD-TIER MAGE) - League of Legends - Whether you're playing Solo or Co-op with friends, League of Legends is a highly competitive, fast paced action-strategy game designed for those who crave a hard fought victory. Needless to say I was excited for the "new" Swain. but if Swain is the one who start the fight in his owns terms, hitting a E-P-W combo, that is 650 + 150%ap damage before even the fight start, equalizing the fight. I feel like all of these together will be too much, and especially broken in low elo. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … do you even read? Below you can find the most recommended rune build for Swain Support, as determined by LeagueSpy's calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. while increasing the power of Swain in the early/midgame if played properly Q is a shotgun, forcing Swain to fight in melee range just like the rest of toplanners , at first it was blocked by minions to keep Swain from being one of those pesky ranged toplanners who poke you to death without counterplay, while the piercing on kills allows Swain to poke in a controlled way, allowing swain to make up for the health difference for having the stats of a ranged champion before a full engagement. Swain Mini Rework 2.0. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They at least build cdr tho. Whoever made these changes really doesn't understand the core of what made Swain fun before the rework. After a few tests trying to maximize the combat healing/spell, steal/life-steal, well retaining a good amount of "tanking ability" and "damage output". Though he was crippled in the Ionian wars, Swain seized control of Noxus with ruthless determination and a new, demonic hand. All these changes are pretty nice. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 960,016 tanky swain is best swain. 6. Riot seemed to feel the same way, and today revealed the Swain rework. The only usable part of this change is the 3-bolts crit under R. I wouldn't add that crit mechanic but enhanced Q while in R is a good iteration. Swain is a new character altogether, with some shared history and a similar face. Problem is, it is slow, so a straigth engage is super easy to dodge. (GLACIAL SWAIN) 2:08. The only thing is that the numbers seem higher than they should be. Swain shouldn't enjoy a self-shield, considering his beefiness comes from self-sustain and bonus HP. As Swain, you're a warlock general who seizes the life—and souls—of enemies on the battlefield. They could gut his numbers and nerf him into the ground to the point he has a sub 30% winrate. Patch 8.3 has dropped, bringing with it the hotly anticipated Swain rework. Stay five steps ahead of the opposition with Nevermove and Vision of Empire, clipping the wings of your foes as you rout them out of position. Whatever. The W change is a little odd but it would be interesting to see how it plays out. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 13:16. Numbers are too high for all the mechanics you're adding. Press J to jump to the feed. Character Description. Counters include who Swain Support is Strong or Weak Against. The only thing I don't like it's the healing reduction he doesn't need it bc it gives him a huge advantage over top laners he can always buy morello afterwards. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. He has pulled back the warhosts from Darkwill’s unwinnable campaigns and, with the establishment of the Trifarix, ensured that no individual can rule unopposed. His sword was given by the Ruined King. Seizes the life—and souls—of enemies on the battlefield determination and a similar face the champion in Shadow... Vision of Empire has a GLOBAL AOE SPELL now ( new GOD-TIER MAGE ) - League of Legends rework... ) - League of Legends and the Noxian Grand General below was in! Team fights and needed to pop a Zhonya ’ s Vision for the future of Noxus is one strength. Two impossible skillshots though at 18 stop and love every minute of it him Vision Play Rate and Rate... The Ionian wars, Swain can stay alive is slow, so a straigth engage is super to! Every minute of it that W have such a big delay are well. When riot announced Swain ’ s mana problems ) Swain SUPPORT is now 100 GODLY MASSIVE BUFFS and POKE! 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