Ancient, Communion Eucharist… Ask, therefore, for such gifts as you require: humility, charity, purity, zeal for God’s glory, devotion to duty and so forth; grace to overcome some besetting temptation, to acquire some special virtue suitable to your present circumstances. I thank You, Divine Redeemer, for coming upon the earth for our sake, and for instituting this adorable Sacrament … For some, however, the singing of this hymn is perceived as an intrusion on their own prayer, their private thanksgiving after Communion. “Out of sight, out of mind” is a common saying, and too often a true one. Here is the example we must follow, whenever we go to Holy Communion. So, the Holy Spirit is our counselor in how to thank the Father and the Son. That account is the basis of the formula we often describe as the Words of Institution. The Holy Eucharist as a Sacrament – Thanksgiving After Communion. But never must we shirk the duty of some suitable return, which, strangely enough, is oftentimes found to be a difficulty, possibly for the want of some method in the making of it. My Saviour Jesus, I kneel before you, I thank you for your Spirit’s gifts of faith, hope, and love. The Israelites had an annual Thanksgiving Feast, as well. Moreover, you can attempt to stay recollected in a mode of thanksgiving even while leaving Mass and attending to external circumstances. See search results for this author. One time-honored way to grow in our appreciation for this holiest of Sacraments is to offer prayers of thanksgiving after each holy communion. How to Make Thanksgiving after Communion: Talk to Jesus simply and from your heart as you would to a person whom you greatly trust and who hangs on every word you say. Image: Virgin by the Host, 1852, by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (a public domain work of art in the U.S.A.). What responsibilities are his! This simple, Taizé-style refrain, makes for a very versatile … By examining how this title applies we can learn a lot about the sacrament. Supplication, or petition. d. Our neighbours. We should, therefore, avail ourselves of this happy time, and never fail to make our requests, while the Sacred Species remain within us. 11. There is a traditional Anglican prayer for the congregation to say before communion, as well as short prayers for the priest or celebrant to say whilst adminstering the bread and wine. Christian culture is rapidly disintegrating; it will be a special challenge for our children and grandchildren to maintain their Catholic faith without a deep appreciation for the Holy Eucharist. It was really a combination of two feasts, Passover and Unleavened Bread, and occurred in early spring. It is not necessary we should always make them all, nor with such fullness of detail as has here been suggested. First, thanksgiving is given a prominent place in the official account of the last supper in I Corinthians 11. Never forget those that have gone before you, your parents or your children, your relatives or friends, those whom you may have injured in body or soul. 1329). To get you started, here are 5 powerful prayers to pray after Mass. H OW lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! In Romans 8, St. Paul tells us that when we do not know how to pray, the Spirit helps us in praying according to the will of God. The word "Eucharist" means "Thanksgiving." We are now in the state of grace: but how long shall we maintain it! And what of our own priest, or confessor? WHAT IS THIS SACRAMENT CALLED? Then our own Bishop has a claim upon our love, for in his own measure he too has responsibilities and difficulties, hence we should do what we can to lessen these by our prayers in his favour. Because our relationship with the Lord in the Eucharist presupposes (at least it should) all of the building blocks of faith. I thank you that your humble death has again given me bountiful life. Prayers after Communion : 1: All : We thank you, Lord, that you have fed us in this sacrament, united us with Christ, and given us a foretaste of the heavenly banquet : prepared for all peoples. Learn about Author Central. Oh God of sacrifice, we … ( Log Out /  This is when the first crop, barley, began to be harvested and when the ewes gave birth to their lambs. Act of Thansgiving after Holy Communion #1 - How delectable is the sweetness of Thy heavenly ... Act of Thansgiving after Holy Communion #2 - My Lord Jesus Christ, most sweet and most kind, ... Act of Thansgiving after Holy Communion #3 - … ( Log Out /  “The minutes that follow Communion are the most precious we have in our lives.” (Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi) “There is no prayer more agreeable to God, or more profitable to the soul than that which is made during the thanksgiving after Communion.” (Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri) A great spiritual writer, Father Lallemant, makes mention in his classic work, The … Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The entire Mass is a prayer of thanksgiving, which is stated explicitly in some prayers and implied throughout. A great spiritual writer, Father Lallemant, makes mention in his classic work,  The Spiritual Doctrine, a crucial consideration. He continued that our loving thoughts and prayers after communion have greater merit then than otherwise because they are then animated by the presence of Jesus Christ, who is united to our souls. References: The two quotes at the top of this note are from the Wikipedia article on “Thanksgiving after Communion,” which is quite beneficial. As I have been typing this comment, it strikes me that we also need an article on preparing to receive communion. Hence it is that spiritual writers tell us, for awhile at least, not to open a book, … We can pray something like this, “Come Holy Spirit, fill the heart of Your servant, and kindle in me the fire of your love as I adore Jesus living inside me.” Or, “Send forth Your Spirit, that I might pray in the Spirit, offering a sacrifice of thanksgiving to my loving Father and my loving Savior.” We are taught to pray not for ourselves only, but for all others. He states: “Furthermore, the precious time of thanksgiving after communion should not be neglected: besides the singing of an appropriate hymn, it can also be most helpful to remain recollected in silence” (#50). The Holy Eucharist is our foretaste of Eternal Life. Consequently how urgent is the need that the Faithful should pray for him from time to time, especially after receiving Holy Communion. I came to this web page to see if your article had suggestions on how to make a better thanksgiving after communion. Further on in Sacramentum Caritatis, Pope Benedict XVI urges Catholics to “rediscover the Eucharistic form which their lives are meant to have, thus “making our lives a constant self-offering to God….” (#72). How many nowadays might take this lesson to heart? We can take what we learned there and apply it to adoration of Jesus living inside us after Holy Communion. It is not that we are to worry ourselves and fret over the sins in detail that we have already confessed, but to remember in general that we are sinners before God, which will help to keep us humble in His presence. After the distribution of Communion, the liturgy of the Eucharist concludes with the Prayer after Communion in which the priest prays for the fruits of the mystery that has just been celebrated. Lord, Father all-powerful, and ever-living God, I thank Thee, for … 4. The practice of making a proper and meaningful thanksgiving after receiving the Holy Eucharist is one way to rediscover our Eucharistic form. Let us desire and pray that we never let receiving Holy Communion become a routine lacking mind and heart, and let us pray for our brothers and sisters in the Church that everyone who receives communion will “discern the Body of Christ.”. Even after Communion, then, we should renew our contrition for the many offences we have committed against God during the years of life that have gone by. Take then these precious moments, and ask freely and with much confidence, for the infinite Power of God is equal to all our wants, while His infinite goodness is most willing to bestow. “The minutes that follow Communion are the most precious we have in our lives.”, “There is no prayer more agreeable to God, or more profitable to the soul than that which is made during the thanksgiving after Communion.”. The following are guiding points to a conversation you can have with Jesus as He dwells within you: 1) Thank Jesus for three things 2) Express sorrow for three things They are helpless now in the names of Purgatory, and only our petitions in their behalf can bring them any relief. By your Holy Spirit, help us to use this gift worthily, to confess and forsake our sins, to confidently believe that we are … Prayer for Communion. He says : do not “shorten the time allotted to the thanksgiving [after communion], which, well made, may repair much that is defective in our penances” (p.88). Regular communion Due to a lack of ordained clergy in the early days of the church in the United States, a history of receiving the sacrament quarterly (four times per year) is the habit in some places. We may thank Him for the grace of being members of the true Church, and thereby being placed within reach of so many helps given through the Sacraments, and especially through the one we have just received, the greatest of them all. God is with you! Yet here, in Holy Communion, we receive the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” within us, Him who created our hearts and the entire universe around. We can thank Him for the peculiar blessings which we individually have received, and of which everyone has some to acknowledge. These are some of the chief acts we may make after Holy Communion, by way of Thanksgiving. ( Log Out /  What reverence and veneration should we not show to the Vicar of Christ, God’s representative on earth, if he deigned to honour us with a visit! Friends, let us come out of the darkness and join together in the light of God’s love. Kimberly Hope Belcher (Author) See all formats and editions Hide … On the cross He thanked Him while uttering His Consummatum est. Present your whole being to Him to serve Him in the future. [ 1] Unto the end, for the winepresses, a psalm for the sons of Core. To LEAVE A COMMENT: click on “Leave a comment” or “Comments” below, and then scroll down to the box which says, “Leave Your Own Comment Here,” which is at the end of any comments already made. The Holy Eucharist is our foretaste of Eternal Life. The practice of making a proper and meaningful thanksgiving after receiving the Holy Eucharist, of making an adequate and meaningful thanksgiving after Holy Communion (see Chapter, together after Mass for a few minutes of thanksgiving. Father Faber writes of Holy Communion: “If ever there is a time for thanks too deep for words, it is when the Creator has been pleased to overwhelm His creature with this stupendous gift of Himself, and when He is actually within us. Somewhere a saint wrote that we profit more from spending time in prayer than reading books on prayer. Saint Teresa declares that the moments immediately following Holy Communion are most precious to the soul, for then we have Our Blessed Lord within our hearts, as upon a throne, and we can there present to Him our earnest petitions, make known all our wants, and beg such graces and blessings as we stand in need of. M Hence, we must ask in resignation: “not my will, but thine be done.” Success in a coming examination, or some business undertaking, better health than you have had in the past, recovery from sickness, and so on, of other similar wants. c. Temporals blessing. There are countless favours of the spiritual order you may solicit, as countless as are the needs of your soul. 1328 The inexhaustible richness of this sacrament is … To these add also one more: 5. Amen. In his Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist, SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, Pope Benedict XVI mentions the crucial importance of making an adequate thanksgiving after receiving Holy Communion. But never let it be true of our departed ones. May He capture and ravish your heart with His Person. With these thoughts in mind, we can easily understand why for some time many interior souls have been having Masses offered in thanksgiving, particularly on the second Friday of the month, in order to make up for the ingratitude of men and of many Christians, who scarcely know any more how to give thanks, even after receiving the greatest benefits.”. “Give glory to the God of Heaven, for His mercy endureth for ever” (Psalm 135:26). To Him, therefore, as to our God, we owe the highest form of worship we can pay to any being, that of profound adoration. Perhaps many readers have experience with Eucharistic Adoration. This prayer of Thanksgiving after Communion to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ hones right in on its value in describing the term used for the sacrament of Holy Communion: the Eucharist, which derives from the Greek word eucharistia, which means thanksgiving!. Spending a few minutes after Mass in thanksgiving (in addition to our thanksgiving directly after receiving Holy Communion) is one way to accomplish this goal. It is a great act of condescension and love on His part thus to come and take up His abode within us worms of the earth, an honour and a grace for which we can never be too grateful. Our Holy God considers it essential that we not be “one who eats or drinks without discerning the body”. Under this heading, we include, of course, the Supreme Pontiff, Our Lord’s Vicar on earth, and head of the Universal Church. Finally, "Eucharist, from the Greek word for thanksgiving, reminds us that the sacrament is thanksgiving to God for the gifts of creation and salvation." Let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us discern the Body of Christ each and every time. Communion Eucharist Communion Thanksgiving. Thus our neighbours have a claim on us during the privileged time that follows Communion. If the comment section is already present, merely scroll to the end of any comments already made. Any ads following this note are by WordPress and not CatholicStrength. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Different books will give different forms of prayers to be said after Communion, but practically all of them contain in one form or other five chief acts, which are as follows: 1. I thank you that the punishment upon you gives me peace. e. The Lord's Supper symbolizes the unity of the church in all times and places. The Saint one day, to his sorrow, noticed that a person who had just received Communion was getting up and going away. 3. Thanksgiving is one of the four ends of the sacrifice, always united to adoration, petition, and reparation. That’s what helps me to appreciate the magnitude of the commitment of Jesus giving Himself to me in communion, or to appreciate that “It cost Jesus every drop of His blood” to give me this opportunity to receive Him. In it, … b. Adoptation Naturally, our first duty, if our faith be lively and real, will be to fall down before the sovereign Lord we have received, and offer Him our profound adoration, as to the God of all things, who has deigned to come to visit us! The concluding rites include any announcements pertaining to the well-being of the parish or parish members. Thanksgiving after Communion is a spiritual practice among Christians who believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist they receive during Holy Communion, maintaining themselves in prayer for some time to thank God for what they believe to be the great gift of receiving God Himself in person. O Lord God, heavenly Father, we praise and thank you for your grace that through your Son Jesus Christ you established this supper in which we eat his body and drink his blood. Your body with all its senses, and your soul with all its faculties (Understanding, to think of Him, Memory, to be mindful of Him, Will, to be in harmony only with His); especially offer Him your good resolutions, your willingness to suffer for Him, and your readiness, if need were, to die for Him. Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas. Moreover, you can attempt to stay recollected in a mode of thanksgiving even while leaving Mass and attending to external circumstances. There is also a contemporary poem for reflection and meditation, a post communion prayer, and several good readings and quotes about the Eucharist meal. Oblation As Our Lord has just given Himself to you, so now make your offering to Him. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Doing so reminds us of the tremendous gift the Eucharist really is—a gift so great that even angels are envious of it. 2: All : Faithful God, in baptism you have adopted us as your children, made us members of the body of Christ : and chosen us as inheritors of your kingdom: we thank you that in this Eucharist … Chose one or find one of your … These must not be our models. Eat of this Bread – Mike Stanley. St. John Henry Newman. And Father Muller devotes an entire chapter to the subject in his book on the Eucharist (The Blessed Eucharist, Chapter Seven). The more perfectly we fulfil this first elementary duty, the more easily and thoroughly shall we do the rest. ( Log Out /  Moreover, this custom is becoming general, even in many Catholic boarding schools and colleges where formerly the students who had received Communion remained in the chapel for about ten minutes after Mass, thus acquiring the habit of making a thanksgiving, a habit which the best among them kept all their lives.”. What do you think of writing an article on that subject? After leaving the Altar rails, therefore, and returning to your place in church, try and follow the advice here given and enter into yourself for a short time, communing with the heavenly Guest you have received. A few lines later Father Garrigou-LaGrange then says: “In Communion we receive a gift far superior to the miraculous cure of a physical disease; we receive the Author of salvation and an increase of the life of grace, which is the seed of glory, or eternal life begun. Thank you for your exhortation to thank the Father and to thank the Son for the gift of Jesus coming to dwell in our hearts. Yet, how many, just after their Communion, hurry out of church with the rest of the congregation the moment Mass is over. Christ often gave thanks to His Father for all His benefits, in particular for that of the redemptive Incarnation; with all His soul He thanked His Father for having revealed its mystery to little ones. Pope Benedict XVI urges Catholics to “rediscover the Eucharistic form which their lives are meant to have, thus “making our lives a constant self-offering to God….” (#72). They have their wants of soul and body like ourselves, and it is a spiritual work of mercy to help them therein by our petitions to God. notes about your extended family in heaven, Father Faber writes of Holy Communion: “If ever there is a time for thanks too deep for words, it is when the Creator has been pleased to overwhelm His creature with this stupendous gift of Himself, and when He is actually within us. This practice was and is highly recommended by saints, … c. The Lord's Supper is a participation in the body and the blood of Christ. Tom Mulcahy, M.A. “I know my iniquity, and my sin is always before me” are the words of King David (Psalm 1:5). a. In fact, however, this hymn is prayer, the corporate thanksgiving prayer of the members of Christ's Body, united with one another. Change ). Spending a few minutes after Mass in thanksgiving (in addition to our thanksgiving directly after receiving Holy Communion) is one way to accomplish this goal. Thanksgiving after Communion is a spiritual practice among Christians who believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Communion bread, maintaining themselves in prayer for some time to thank God and especially listening in their hearts for guidance from their Divine guest. According to the New Testament, the rite was instituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper; giving his disciples bread and wine during a Passover meal, Jesus … The Lord's Supper is a memorial of Christ (anamnesis). They think five or six minutes quite enough for their thanksgiving to Jesus? Perhaps all of us have had trouble with distractions in our prayer as we come to receive communion. We are more intimately acquainted with them, we see and hear them often, we know their zeal and interest in our regard, and the care they take of us in many ways, both in health and in sickness. To SHARE on SOCIAL MEDIA: click on “Leave a comment” or “Comments” below (and this will bring up social media icons if they are not already present). These men, on being cleansed of their foul disease of leprosy by our Lord’s loving power, were so overjoyed and delighted, that away they went to their homes and their friends, announcing the glad tidings of their cure, which was quite natural for them to do, but they entirely forgot to thank the Benefactor who had healed them, and He complained of their ingratitude: “Where are the nine?” Let us, at any rate, guard against a similar defect, in failing to thank our Divine Guest for His many favours and graces. 135:26 ) however, I have been made sons and daughters in the future least it should ) all the... Five or six minutes quite enough for their thanksgiving to God ” ( No the Son article on that?! Feast, as countless as are the Words of King David ( Psalm 135:26.. Countless favours of the formula we often describe as the Words of King David ( Psalm 1:5 ) always. Can attempt to stay recollected in a mode of thanksgiving even while leaving Mass and to... 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